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Student Information & Tuition

Dedicated to Equal Opportunity, Dedicated to You
medical laboratory sciences

Tuition & Fees

Tuition for Community Hospital School of Medical Laboratory Science's 11-month program is $5,000.

Textbooks required for MLS instruction cost approximately $650.

Tuition for the 11-month program must be paid-in-full two weeks before the start date of the program year. We accept cashier's check or money order only.

Non-Discrimination Disclaimer/Disclosure MLS 149.00

A partial refund of tuition -- 50 percent -- may be made by the School of MLS, if your withdrawal/dismissal occurs within 30 working days of the program start date. No refunds will be made beyond the 30-day deadline for any reason.

Community Hospital School of Medical Laboratory Science is dedicated to the principle of equal opportunity in every aspect of the program, including but not limited to application, applicant review, selection process, classroom, laboratory, and clinical training, evaluation and potential employment placement.

Community Hospital School of Medical Laboratory Science is committed to providing a fair and equitable school/learning environment without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, pregnancy, marital status, genetic information, military or veteran status, handicap or disability -- within the ability to perform essential functions of the position with or without reasonable accommodation.

A person's status as defined by these criteria is protected by law and discrimination based upon or related to any of these criteria is strictly prohibited.

The School of Medical Laboratory Science maintains policies and documents on the Laboratory Document Management Service, (DMS), an electronic library.

All other Powers Health and general hospital departmental policies -- other than Laboratory and School of MLS -- are maintained on the hospital HIS Intranet. Upon admission, students will receive instruction on accessing the electronic policies for the complete and current revisions.

Paper copies may be printed for temporary use, however, the electronic version is considered the reference as policies and procedures may be updated periodically. School of MLS Policy and Procedures are numbered as such: MLS.149.

The following is a summary of excerpts of School, Laboratory and general Hospital policies as they apply to our students.  Please refer to DMS or the Intranet for a complete and current policy.

Your orientation process will include Powers Health policies regarding standards of behavior, professionalism and a video presentation of Rights and Responsibilities. Behavior must reflect the policies defined and outlined in the above information. Conduct by students is a reflection on Powers Health.

In the course of our student program, we will encounter and have incidental access to patient's personal and health information. Strict guidelines are defined for access and use of this protected information. Privacy and confidentiality must be safeguarded from access by unauthorized entities. Access to protected information is limited to 'need to know'.

Briefly, students may not access their own demographic, financial or medical information, or that of co-workers, other students, friends, or family members, outside the context of performing authorized laboratory tests. Information and results must not be shared, disclosed or provided to any party listed above.

Additional lab tests may not be added without specific physician order, per protocol.

Care must be taken not to allow unauthorized access to information or transmission of information, either intentionally or accidentally.

Refrain from discussion of patient names, information, situation, condition or laboratory results in any area where others may hear, such as elevators, cafeteria or public

Student advising, counseling, grievance and disciplinary action must be impartial. This advice, actions, and all personal student information, will be held confidentially by the program administration; and may only be disclosed or discussed with involved faculty or party(ies), or advisory committee on a need-to-know basis, and only to the extent of the specific incident or concern.

In addition to Powers Health policy regarding cell phone usage and electronics, cell phones must be turned OFF and stored away, not carried on person, during classroom, lecture, laboratory and clinical training periods. Cell phone/device handing in the laboratory setting violates hygiene guidelines and presents a contamination hazard outside of the laboratory. Cell phones may be used during breaks and lunch periods, as per stated policies.

Laptop computer or iPad-type tablet may be used in the classroom for note-taking in class and for access to PowerPoint presentations or outlines for the day's class. No headphones or earpieces may be used during class time. No other programs such as personal e-mail, Facebook or games may be open on the device during class time. Volume must be muted/silenced so that no signals or sounds play during class time. Screen may be monitored by faculty or program director.

Violations of personal computer/tablet policy will result in disciplinary action, and or loss of privileges using such devices.

A student's personal appearance is of utmost importance, since they are presenting themselves to the public and the patients. The public gains impressions of the MLS program and hospital from contact with its students and employees.Your interest in grooming may reflect your attitude toward the program, profession and the hospital. Particular attention must be given to how you appear to others. In addition, it is of concern to the management, both from the standpoint of safety and professionalism.

The following is a partial list of guidelines regarding appearance and dress code in the Laboratory.

All Technical and Phlebotomy students MUST wear laboratory coats provided by the facility.

Olive green-colored scrubs must be worn by all laboratory MLS students while enrolled and participating in program activities. Sleeveless T-shirts, crop-tops, or T-shirts with advertisements are not acceptable. Neither undergarments, nor abdomen should be visible.

Athletic shoes may be worn in certain areas at the discretion of management. Where permissible, athletic shoes must be white with only slight color. Leather - black or white -- athletic shoes are acceptable. Tennis shoes must be short or ¾ cut. High-top and cloth tennis shoes are not permissible.

At all times, appropriate socks and hosiery must be worn. In the technical/clinical areas, cloth, open-toed shoes or clogs are NOT permissible.

Long hair must be worn away from the face as a safety precaution. Students in technical, as well as patient care areas who have their hair below shoulder length must have their hair pulled back or pinned, as to not interfere with patient care or instrument operation. Out of the ordinary hair colors -- such as green, blue, purple -- are not considered appropriate in the hospital environment.

Picture I.D badges must be worn above the chest and facing forward. Every student must wear his or her hospital identification badge VISIBLY on his or her laboratory coat or clothing at all times while on premises.

Jewelry (nothing dangling), cosmetics (make-up) or exposed tattoos must be kept to a minimum.

Fingernails, polished or unpolished, should be maintained at a "conservative" length. Artificial nails are not to be worn for employees who have or could have patient contact. Contact defined: The actual touching of a patient.

Heavy scented colognes, perfumes, lotions, etc. are not permitted.

Personal hygiene is of the utmost importance in addition to dress. All students must maintain and present a clean hygiene state.

Students of the School of Medical Laboratory Science, while enrolled and participating in the program, are not required to work in clinical settings outside of academic hours.

This applies to, but is not limited to, performing phlebotomy duties for health fairs or screening events, presentations for career days or demonstrations, or attending continuing education. Any activity of this nature by an MLS student on evenings, weekends or holidays is voluntary, and is not compensated. Non-participation in any event of this nature is not used in consideration of grading or evaluation of the student's performance within the program.

Students participating in such events will be identified/presented as students of our program to the participants or audience.

Students may request guidance regarding aspects of courses, labs or clinical experiences from the program director, faculty member or dean. For concerns regarding career path or placement, the student may request a discussion with the laboratory site director.

Completion of this program and/or passing a certification examination does not imply or guarantee employment with Powers Health.

For guidance or counseling for personal or other issues not directly related to participation in the program, we suggest follow up with the student's own healthcare provider, seeking guidance from an assistance program or inquiry about resources from city, county or state agencies.

Students who fail to comply with stated academic, professional and personnel policies are subject to disciplinary action. Impartial and confidential investigation and documentation of incident(s) will be referred to a committee consisting of program director, faculty member(s), Advisory Committee and/or Human Resources representative for review. Disclosure or discussion of the action will be restricted to involved party(ies) and the review committee to maintain confidentiality.

Student will meet with the committee to discuss incident(s) and potential outcomes, recommendations and corrective action plan.

A grievance is a complaint or dissatisfaction concerning interpretation, application, or claim of violation of rules, regulations, policy or disciplinary action.

Student concerns may be brought to the attention of the program director or faculty member. Consideration of the grievance must be conducted impartially and confidentially. Disclosure or discussion of the grievance or complaint will be restricted to involved party(ies) to maintain confidentiality. Resolution may be achieved through informal discussion between involved parties.

When resolution is not achieved, the student may submit concerns in writing to the program director or uninvolved faculty member.  The program director or designee will meet with the student to discuss the grievance. The program director, or a designee, will meet with the named party (faculty, supervisor, clinical trainer, etc.) to discuss the grievance.

Records, sequential notes, pertinent documents and meeting minutes will be maintained and used for committee review.

A committee, consisting of program director, uninvolved faculty member(s), Advisory Committee, representative from Human Resources and/or Laboratory medical director, will be convened to review and evaluate the situation. As deemed necessary, all involved parties will meet and work toward a satisfactory resolution. The committee will make a final decision.

If the student feels the grievance has not been satisfactorily resolved, the student may appeal the decision.

A written appeal must be made to the program director within five (5) days of the decision. Upon appeal, all involved parties, different committee members with an additional non-laboratory manager/administrator as a neutral third party, will reconvene.

All previous documentation will be made available to all parties. Potential actions of this committee may include: Upholding the original decision; a mutually agreed-upon solution; dismissal or legal resolution.