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Occupational Therapy

occupational therapy

Therapy to Regain Skills

The goal of occupational therapy is to help you achieve independence. Occupational therapy can help you regain mobility and range of movement after hand injuries, orthopedic injuries, cancer, concussion, stroke, traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, neuromuscular disorders and arthritis.

Sessions focus on self-care, such as eating, grooming, brushing teeth and returning to resume workday or social activities.

Patients also practice self-care tasks that require more complex skills, such as cooking, cleaning, laundry, managing pills and medications, managing a checkbook, paying bills and grocery shopping.

Specializing in Hand Therapy

Whether you suffer from a hand injury or require treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome or arthritic conditions, our network of highly trained therapists and skilled healthcare professionals can help develop an individualized plan for your follow-up care.

Our outpatient facilities offer a combination of open treatment areas, private rooms and home environment areas to simulate independent living. We provide a range of services, including neuro-prosthetics, ergonomic analysis, self-care retraining, adaptive equipment training, perceptual/cognitive retraining, joint mobilization and strength training to help you regain your lifestyle.