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Mobile Device Management

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Enroll in Powers Health Mobile Device Management

**NOTE: You may want to print so you can reference as you go through the process.

By enrolling your device in Powers Health Mobile Device Management, you agree to the following:

  • Powers Health will configure access to Powers Health wireless networks on your device.
  • Powers Health will restrict data download to removable storage media.
  • Powers Health will install, update, and remove corporate-managed applications and data.
  • Powers Health will enforce device passwords and other authentication mechanisms before access is permitted to the Powers Health network.
  • You will be required to create a 6 digit pin on your device or enable TouchID or similar technology.
  • A screen lock of 5 minutes will be enabled on your device.
  • Powers Health will remotely lock the device when the device has been reported as stolen or other similar condition.
  • User must notify the IT Help Desk when removing, disposing, lose or otherwise transfer device custody.
  • Appropriate use of a mobile device must be in accordance with the Powers Health code of conduct and all Powers Health policies.

**Disclaimer: While the IT department makes every attempt to lessen the impact on BYOD, Powers Health is not liable for changes in functionality, loss of information, or any other hardware or software related issue or damage which may arise while enrolled in Powers Health Mobile Device Management.